Agile Development from a Scientific Point of View

Tolgahan Bora
2 min readDec 28, 2022


Agile Development: Delivering Value through Rapid Iteration

Agile development is a software development approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and rapid iteration. At its core, agile development is about delivering value to the customer as quickly as possible through continuous delivery and rapid iteration.

The agile approach is guided by a set of values and principles outlined in the Agile Manifesto, which emphasizes the importance of delivering working software frequently, responding to change, and valuing individuals and interactions over processes and tools. These values and principles inform the way teams work and shape the agile development approach.

There are several agile methodologies that teams can use to implement the agile development approach, such as Scrum and Lean. These methodologies provide a framework for organizing and managing work, and help teams to focus on delivering value to the customer through rapid iteration.

While agile development has many advantages, it is not without its challenges. Implementing agile development requires a significant shift in mindset and culture, and may not always be the best fit for every project. However, for teams looking to deliver high-quality products quickly and respond to changing customer needs, agile development can be a powerful tool.

In conclusion, agile development is a valuable approach for software development teams looking to deliver value to the customer through rapid iteration and continuous delivery. By embracing the values and principles of agile development and using agile methodologies, teams can build and deliver high-quality products quickly and efficiently.

  1. Introduction: Explain the purpose of the article and introduce the topic of agile development.
  2. Definition and overview: Define agile development and provide an overview of its key principles and practices. Explain how agile development focuses on delivering value to the customer through rapid iteration and continuous delivery.
  3. Agile values and principles: Discuss the agile values and principles as outlined in the Agile Manifesto. Explain how these values and principles inform the agile development approach and shape the way teams work.
  4. Agile methodologies: Discuss common agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Lean, and how they are used to implement the agile development approach.
  5. Advantages and disadvantages: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using agile development. Explain how agile development can help teams deliver high-quality products quickly and respond to changing customer needs, but how it can also be challenging to implement in certain situations.
  6. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of the article and discuss the importance of agile development in software development.



Tolgahan Bora

I am MIS student and 3.I’m in class.I am working on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I write articles, conduct research and develop projects.